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Are Bright Colors Coming Back?

For the last few years, it has seemed like the most popular color for mountain bike gear has been black. The latest clothing offerings from Troy Lee Designs suggest that the fashion trends may be changing now. The latest mountain bike kits from Troy Lee have some of the brightest, most eye-catching colors we’ve seen in years.

Since Troy Lee sponsors and provides the riding gear for a number of the world’s top mountain bike racers, we expect that we’ll be seeing some of these new, bright looking outfits at the races in the months ahead.

Here’s what the people at Troy Lee Designs say in their introduction to the new TLD gear:

“Sprint Ultra Collection”

“Light Speed to the Podium”
“When performance is measured by the millisecond, there’s no time for nonsense. Worn by the world’s fastest racers, Sprint Ultra is designed specifically for the moments between the tape when a fraction of a second can make or break the day. The only kit with the slim cut Precision Fit, Sprint Ultra’s premium Troy Lee Designs Ultra fabrics are made of the lightest materials with laser-cut ventilation, prioritizing speed and function.”

There probably aren’t too many people around now who will remember this, but Mountain Bike Action used to use Troy Lee (the person) as one our test riders for the magazine in the late 1980s or early 1990s, when Troy was one of the bravest mountain bikers we knew. Jody Weisel use to shoot Troy doing the kind of canyon-gap jumps that might have gotten him invited into the first Red Bull Rampage more than a decade later if he was still doing those kinds of jumps then.

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