Mountain Bike Action Bike Hacks: Measure Sag Without Wasting a Zip Tie
Measure Sag Without Wasting a Zip Tie
How can you measure suspension sag when your fork/shock’s stock O-ring becomes damaged?
Use this handy tip to utilize a zip tie flipped inside out to momentarily measure sag—so that the zip tie can be reused.
Step 1: Locate bare fork stanchion (or shock shaft).
Step 2: Grab zip tie and flip inside out.
Step 3: Wrap zip tie around stanchion (or shock shaft)—being mindful to push the tip into the backside of the zip tie’s head, so it does not permanently attach.
Step 4: Push zip tie to bottom of stanchion, flush with fork seal.
Step 5: Mount bike to measure sag—click here for complete suspension sag setup guide.
Step 6: Remove zip tie.
Step 7: Save zip tie for future use—since it was applied backward, it will be reusable.
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